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Our team was founded by a group of undergraduate students at the University of California, Berkeley as a result of finding inspiration in the incredible projects and research done by their peers. We were founded as a platform for hands-on learning and innovation that allows students to showcase their ideas and explore solutions to today’s most pressing issues in sustainable residential construction. We believe that the Solar Decathlon team at UC Berkeley/University of Denver also acts as a practical, experiential supplement to the more theoretical education that students receive in daily classes. We are motivated by the goal to design and build a home that provides real solutions to existing problems.


Our student-lead team is supported by faculty including Khalid Mosalam, William Ibbs and Iris Tommelein at UC Berkeley and Eric Holt at DU. By connecting with a rich local ecosystem both in the broader Bay Area and Denver, we have linked our members with experts that have coached us along the way.


At a size of roughly 40 students from both universities, our team includes both undergraduate and graduate members whose academic focuses include civil and environmental engineering, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, architecture, environmental design, marketing, legal studies, economics, real estate, business, and more. 

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